Why you should take a Safari in Murchison Falls National Park


Why you should take a Safari in Murchison Falls National Park

Why you should take a safari in Murchison Falls National Park: Murchison Falls National Park It is Uganda’s oldest and largest safari park and is located at the edge of the Albertine Rift Valley. The park is locally known as Kabalega national park. Murchison Falls National Park was established in 1952 and encompasses an area of 1,503 square miles (3,893 square kilometers). The national park is a portion of the larger Murchison Falls Conservation Area, which also include the Bugungu and Karuma wildlife reserves and Murchison Falls national park, the area covers approximately 2,072 square miles (5,366 square kilometers) of wilderness.

The park is home to more than 76 different mammal species, including the lion, leopard, elephant, and buffalo, four of the members of the “big five.” Other species include giraffes, Jackson’s hartebeest, waterbucks, warthogs, Uganda kob, bushbucks, and hyenas, among others. Numerous hippos and crocodiles, as well as other local animals, can be found in the waters and along the Nile’s banks. Murchison Falls National Park is also a paradise for bird lovers coming for Uganda safari, with over 450 species of birds nesting or migrating through the park. Many of the species are waterfowl, but there are also more, such as the red-throated bee-eater, llow footed fly catcher, illadopsis, Abyssinian birds and many others.

Activities To Do In Murchison Falls National Park

Boat cruise in Murchison falls National Park

Boat cruise is among the exciting activities conducted in the Murchison Falls National Park. There are two boat excursions: one goes downstream to the Victoria Nile delta, which stretches to the shores of Lake Albert, while the other goes upstream to the base of the falls. Both boat excursions depart from the Paraa jetty landing site and offers breathtaking views of the Murchison Falls, lovely scenery, large herds of hippos in the water, crocodiles lazing on the banks, elephants, Uganda kobs, buffaloes, waterbucks, warthogs drinking water along the shores, aquatic bird species like the prehistoric shoebill stork, African jacana, saddle bellied stork, open billed stork among others.

Birding in Murchison falls National Park

Bird watching is another rewarding activity in Murchison Falls National Park. The park is home to around 450 bird species, including migratory birds, Albertine rift indigenous birds, savannah birds, and water birds. Various bird species can be sighted in the Murchison Falls National Park while on game drives, nature walks, boat cruises to the base of the falls, and along the Victoria Nile delta. During bird watching safari you will encounter with various bird species including Red-throated Bee-eaters, Pied, Giant and Malachite Kingfishers, Francolin, Hornbills, Grey heron, Hamerkop, Shrikes, Flycatchers, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers; Crombecs and Warblers Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Secretary Birds, Black-bellied Bustards, Open-billed Storks and Widow Bird, the Swallow-tailed bee eater to mention but a few.

Game Drives in Murchison falls National Park

Game drives safari in Murchison falls national park are yet another interesting activity carried out in the park. The stunning game drive and wildlife viewing are unavoidable while on your Uganda safari in Murchison Falls National Park. Being the biggest and oldest park in Uganda provides it a greater chance to draw a number of visitors at any given time. Murchison Falls National Park offers both day and night game drives with the chance to see a variety of wildlife in its preserved game drive locations, which include the Buligi peninsula, the area along the Albert delta, and the heart of Murchison in the southern part of the park. During the game drive visitors will encounter with numerous wildlife animals like elephants, buffaloes, waterbucks, giraffes, Uganda kobs, warthogs, Jacksons hartebeest, bushbucks, and oribi among others. This game drive will give you an opportunity to explore four of the African big five.

Nature Walks in Murchison falls National Park

This is a fascinating activity in the Murchison Falls National park that gives guests the chance to tour the park on foot while accompanied by a knowledgeable park guide and an armed game ranger. The park’s Kaniyo Pabidi and Rabongo forests are where tourists may go on nature hikes and get up close and personal with a variety of wildlife species, including mammals, primates like chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, and a wide range of bird species.

Sport Fishing in Murchison falls National Park

Tourists visiting Murchison Falls National Park can go for sport fishing for enjoyment and relaxation. Local fisherman will show you how to put up traps to catch enormous fish, particularly Nile Perch, which is a delicacy in the area. This basic sport fishing safari also allows you to interact with locals and you  will also see a variety of bird species such as Shrikes, Flycatchers, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers; Crombecs and Warblers Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Secretary Birds, Black-bellied Bustards to mention but a few.

Best Time To Visit Murchison Falls National Park

The best time to visit Murchison Falls National Park is during the dry season, also known as the peak season, which is from June to September and from December to February. As a result of low rainfall during the dry season, the park’s vegetation will be sparse, allowing visitors to see animals clearly. Access roads to the park and hiking trails will also be passable, and as many animals congregate around water sources to drink, providing opportunities for stunning photo opportunities.

How To Access Murchison Falls National Park

Tourists can choose to take a bus or van from Kampala, the country’s capital, to the national park, which is a 4-hour drive away, or they can choose to take a flight from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip at Pakuba Airfield, which is close to the park.



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